Thursday, November 26, 2009

All Foodies out there! Read, read, read!

Just like Gabe in Next to Normal, yes I'm Alive.

To those whom I promised updates every now and then, I for my laziness to post pics and write. I hope to do so really soon!

At the moment, I'd like to advertise our food blog once again, The PhooD.Journal

I wrote about it in a previous entry before and since then our readership has grown significantly. There are five Phoodies right now: myself, Kookie and Janet (in Saarbr�cken), Oui (in Leuven), and Dom (in Ithaca). Do take the time to read the articles and try out the recipes for yourselves. And comment, comment, comment!

I'll be posting more of my recipes real soon, Asian BBQ Pasta included, so watch out!

Here are some of the articles:

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